Training for young and unemployed people

ponedjeljak, 2. decembar 2013.

Haso Hubijar

Rotary Club Sarajevo, in cooperation with Rotary Club East Turin and Research and Organizational Development (RODA) carried out the project. "Training for young and unemployed people". 24 participants from the Sarajevo Canton, aged up to 30, attended the training.

The focus of the the training was related to information technology (ECDL standards), social skills, business skills by Xpert PBS standards and English language program at Cambridge. In addition, the training included work on participants' motivation and self-esteem.

The value of the project was 16.847 KM. Education began on 02.12.2013 and lasted until 28.04.2014. During the process, 9 people have found employment.

Certificate awarding ceremony was held on 28.04.2014 Which, in RODA premises. Representatives of the Rotary Club Turin East, president Giuseppe Perla and District Governor for the year 2016-17, Enrico Raiteri, attended the ceremony, as well as representatives of the Rotary Club Sarajevo and RODA.

Rotary friends from the Rotary Club Turin East have expressed great satisfaction with the project implementation, and thanked Rotary Club Sarajevo and RODA for implementation and recommended a continuation of the project with more funds.


ECDL training, social and business skills training for 24 young person in order to enable them to enter into labor market




Schwerpunkt: Wirtschafts- und Kommunalentwicklung
Projekttyp: International
Projektart: District Grant
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Sarajevo
Projektzeitraum: 02.12.2013 - 28.04.2014
Kontaktperson: Haso Hubijar

Partnerski klubovi

Internationaler Partner
Club: Torino East
Distrikt: 2031

Host Partner
Club: Sarajevo
Distrikt: 1910

Sonstige Partner: Research and Organizational Development Association