Aid packages to institutions struck by COVID-19 pandemic outbreak

srijeda, 15. april 2020.

Munir Cengic


The idea of the project is to provide aid packages for two institutions in Sarajevo, "Home for children without parental care Bjelave " and „Center for the blind and partially sighted children and youth". The packages will be prepared according to the needs of residents of these two institutions. It is important to highlight that these are sensitive groups of people, and we must not forget that their lives are influenced by the pandemic, too.
Rotary Club Sarajevo activities: For children in Bjelave Home, we will prepare personalized gift packages (96 children are residents of Bjelave Home) in accordance with their needs - mostly food items. Also, personalized messages for children will be prepared, which sought to achieve the socialization of children during the pandemic and serve as a reminder that we think about their well-being.
Rotary club Sarajevo llidza activities: According to their needs, to "Center for the blind and partially sighted children and youth", we will donate disinfectants, antiseptics, face masks, latex gloves, cleaning agents, laundry detergents, and tablets. The Center consists of primary school with 25 students, secondary school with 28 students, 3 students living in their boarding school (56 students in total) and 61 employees (39 teachers and 21 school support staff).
Current socioeconomic factors influence the work of these institutions and we consider that they need additional aid from our side.


2020 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Soziales
Projekttyp: Regional
Projektart: District Grant
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Sarajevo
Projektzeitraum: 15.04.2020 - 30.06.2020
Kontaktperson: Munir Cengic